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Senior Financial Crime Campliance Manager MLRO

Job description
Lead the provision of advice and guidance to the business on technical AML compliance queries as they arise.
Advise its stakeholders in HMSA’s line of business on Financial Crime risks and support the implementation of adequate and proportioned controls aimed at the prevention of money-laundering, terrorism financing, fraud, economic sanctions breaches and other financial crime in compliance with local rules and regulation as well as JHI’s group policies.
Develop and maintain a robust AML-CTF framework and ensure the drafting and implementation of consistent policies and procedures, in coordination with Financial Crime Compliance at Group level.
Proactively identify, assess and ensure implementation of new regulatory developments; provide timely summary reports for internal stakeholders, including senior management.
Provide appropriate reporting and MI to governance bodies, including HMSA management committee and the Boards.
Lead the oversight of outsourced AML-CTF activities including developing and maintaining productive working relationships with third party transfer agents.
Work together with the TA oversight function (AML Operations) in relation to AML-CTF matters.
Develop a thorough understanding of our distribution channels and provide advice to internal stakeholders in relation to their oversight from an AML-CFT and other financial crime prevention perspectives.
Be responsible for FCC-related communications, reports and notifications to the different Regulators (including relevant AML questionnaires), SARs reporting to Cellule de Renseignement Financier (CRF) and STR to the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau (GNECB), and other relevant authorities.
Ensure compliance with financial crime regulatory obligations at the level of HMSA and of its branches in the EU, while fostering an appropriate AML-CFT culture.
Ensure that AML-CTF matters and possible issues are addressed appropriately and efficiently, and any remedial actions are swiftly and correctly implemented.
Ensure that relevant statutory authorities are informed of suspicious activities on a timely basis.
Ensure appropriate anti money laundering procedures and policies are in place, in coordination with FCC at Group level.
Carry out high profile/sensitive investigations as appropriate.
Lead AML-CFT projects directly impacting funds managed by HMSA.
Support the Global Financial Crime Compliance team on projects and information requests as required.
Ensure that all HMSA staff (including staff in branches) receive regular and up to date training on financial crime risks.
Profil desired
Proven career in AML-CFT/Financial Crime, Compliance with in-depth knowledge of related regulatory requirements and market practice, particularly in Luxembourg and Ireland
Proven experience in dealing with Regulators (including in relation to on-site visits, requests and reviews)
Excellent working knowledge of investment funds and products, including segregated mandates
Previous experience of working with regulatory and business change projects, ideally including digital transformation ones
Fluent written and spoken English required; other European languages constitute an advantage
Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office
Based in Luxembourg